Monday, October 6, 2014

canterbury tale narrative

They told us how easy it was to obtain our future like it could just be given to us and in all conscience I believed them and went willingly but nothing could’ve prepared us for the emotionless bitter void that waited in that tormenting Metropolis that was supposed to be my way out of this life that lacked purpose. A group of students including myself was seemingly lucky enough to score high enough on the tests they administered for capitalistic gain were subjected to a chance to further our education in fields of are choice with a secondary amount of monetary value that would surpass the first in order to gain that purpose that we all anguished for. As a group jumped at the chance and we followed the guide lines that seemed as if they were set up a millennium ago but we progressed to the Metropolis where our education through lectures sat anticipating our money into their grubby hands. In the distance I saw the imminent sight of my future that lied in that metropolis of towering buildings which from anyone’s point of view would leave you in awe and at first sight I thought this is the place for me. The other would be students I was traveling with all looked ahead themselves in awe and spoke of what the looming future could hold for them. Among the interior of the city appeared the same way in which it glistened all around it vast expanse as if it was prepared for the batch of freshman’s arrival but apparently no people were out and about other than the administers. We exited off the bus swiftly as we soon entered a line to pay the year fees and tuition which ranged into 1000’s of dollars but I persevered past this because of the anticipation I had to gain my long need for purpose. A clerk with a printed smile quickly took my check and for some reason after that I felt as if the city had become colder and darkness engulfed the city, nevertheless I progressed outside because of the lack of breathing room inside the cramped building due the throng of freshman immersing it. The step outside showed no evident light, smog and filled the gaps above the streets and building, and the denizens of this town revealed themselves and all appeared so contorted and miserable. That moment I swung back to return to the clerk to get the hell out of this god forsaken metropolis but it was locked; I rushed down the streets and check for unlocked doors and was left with more locked corridors. The metropolis denizens ignored my pleas for help and questions as if their mouths had been sewed up and went upon their way in silence that added on to the Metropolis’s expansive silence other than this excruciating sound of water dropping constantly onto the asphalt but there was no rain which puzzled me.  The thought came to mind to find the other students but I found no one due to the multitude of horrifyingly contorted faces that passed by me, I gathered the strength to leave the mass of broken people and head towards an empty crevice among the soaring buildings. The silence progressed other than that unbearable dripping but I found an empty alley and thought of everything I was ever told and how wrong they all were about how trivial it was to obtain a future. The madness of their lies hurt and burned my very being to the point of my collapse in the alley that had vague light from a lamp that seemed enough to live with in this obscurely dark metropolis. The madness seemingly consumed me with that relentless agonizing noise of water drops but no rain until finally I was sat at the point of beak and let it consume me. I began to fade off comfortably under that moderately comfortable light and let the madness take me so that I too could be as contorted as the populous of this Metropolis. A splash of something struck my head and threw me out of my mindless stupor in which I froze in terror that tormenting noise that said I was still alive had stopped and again I was struck with another drop. I proceeded to look up and saw dim light and was struck with another drop, the building had a ladder scaling all the way to the top in which I leapt for just to reach that light and as I rose the light got dimmer. The light got dimmer as I climbed but the metropolis that was under me appeared to have a vast surplus of it in which I doubted myself to go back because obviously this ladder would lead to nothing but my demise. Then the realization of what was actually down there took its effect and I the darkness that waited upward has to be better than the dim light below. The darkness eventually consumed me and I could see nothing and could only feel the warm dripping of water that kept hitting me so I proceeded even though I had been visionless. Something bright appeared above me, which was also quite warm, I rapidly reached bar after bar increasing that light until suddenly it was all around me, no more darkness just light and pouring rain and the top of this towering building awaiting a few more feet. 

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